Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Psalm 121

From analyzing the Psalm you can gather many things from all of the verses. Although there are only eight verses there are still hidden connections that you can make from it. One of the themes  from the psalm that you can take in is that that’s higher ‘land’ power will always be above you. Described in verse 1 “I will lift mine eyes to the hill, whence my help comes.” In this verse it is stating that the person is looking to the higher power for help in life. That higher power being is god himself.

With in the other verses it gives a great reason why that god is the higher power to this mans’ eyes. Such as verse 2 “My help come from the Lord, for he made heaven and earth.” This verse states one thing the be greatly noticed is the Lords power. ‘For he made heaven and earth’ his power is great in which he had made where we live now. Giving into why he looks up towards the Lord for his help and no other being.

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