Wednesday, February 13, 2019


My honest thoughts on today’s talking about the question three was challenging. In a sense I understand what needs to be done but when I try to put it onto paper I find myself struggling on what to put down and what to think about next to put onto my paper.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Day 12 - The Color Purple

Day 12 - My weekend was pretty mellow through and through. I played a new game with my friends called Apex legends and we have plenty of fun throughout it. Other than that I mainly did some reading up on stuff for a game called Dungeons of Dragons and helped make a character for my friend.

Day 11 - The Color Purple

Letter 49 - I honestly felt touched when I read that Celie got one of her sister's letter finally. I dislike that Albert kept trashing the letters instead of giving them to her. I feel like that's just disrespectful to Celie even if he didn't treat her like a woman.

Day 11 - Friday was pretty alright. It cool and relaxed through out school. Nothing too much happened throughout the day apart from playing a bit of quick card games but thats about it. Once I got home I hopped onto my computer and checked a few emails and that was about it before I went to sleep

Friday, February 8, 2019

Day 10 - The Color Purple

Day 10 - Thursday so far has been my best day out of this week and it’s all because of my friends online at home. When I was home I immediately hopped onto a game that recent came out called Apex Legends. It’s a battle royal game made by the same people who made Titanfall 1 & 2. It took a few games but with my friends on my team we won a game. It was super tense too when it came to the last team. I had one of the most powerfulest shotguns called the Mastiff and I decimated them with it.

Day 9 - The Color Purple

Day 9 - My Wednesday was quite fun actually. For a change I had a bit of fun. I was participating in a rifle competition for JROTC. When we got to the range I met up with a few people that I met before in previous trips. Caught up with them and then had a few laughs before we had to return to school. Once getting back to school I chilled a bit with friends and then headed home.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Day 8 - The Color Purple

Letter 37 - I felt like something was lost between all of the characters when they go see Sophia in jail. I was honestly shocked to see how she was acting within the jail. When she spoke that she was acting like Celie even Celie herself was shocked about it because it was a full change of character.

Day 8 - My day was pretty boring, it didn’t really help that I was exhausted due to staying up late and not falling asleep till early in the morning. After getting home I stayed up further because I thought I had a Wargammer game today and I didn’t want to miss it like I did last week.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Day 7 - The Color Purple

Letter 25 - Within this letter, I saw a better understanding of how Celie feels and how she is acting with a new powerful sight in her view of the women around her. I felt like I can foreshadow how Celie will turn out to be a stronger woman the older she gets and will do everything to help protect other woman so they don't have to suffer what she has gone through.

Day 7 - Today was pretty relaxed for me again. It wasn't too cold in the morning so I didn't really need my jacket all day. It was nice rather than freezing everyday. I didn't do a lot within school apart from a few work in classes. Although I did learn how to reel a film and get a basic idea on how to process it.

Day 6 - The Color Purple

Letter 25 -  I feel hope for Celie from seeing this letter and it’s previous one so far. I see as Celie is beginning to realize what has gone horribly in her life and that she doesn’t have to let it rule over her. Instead she begins to figure out that she doesn’t want to be like that anymore, acting on command or being put under someone’s foot like a dog.

Day - 6 Friday was pretty relaxed for me. I woke up badly with only a few hours of sleep that day. I managed to get myself out of bed to head to school. Nothing really much happened at school for me anyways. I mostly just watched anime, I finished Devil’s Line and started Mahou Sensou and later finished that anime at home. Once I got home I practically sat and watched anime all day.

This is a poem for The Color Purple from the perspective of Tobias, Albert’s brother.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Day 5 - The Color Purple

Letter 14 - When I read that Shuh Avery was coming back to town I felt that the novel would begin to take a turn for how Celie felt throughout the beginning. If anything I thought about hope when I read this letter. I felt a bit happy for Celie learning that information.

Lust blinds thought
Will conquers anger

Day 6 - My day was pretty mallow throughout the afternoon. While in the morning at school I was practicing Armed Drill for JROTC. Through out the rest of the school day nothing much happened. Once I airrived home though that changes. I got onto my computer and called my friend to play some Neverwinter Nights. We made some new characters. He made a spellsword and I made a Fighter. We played till level four. After that we stopped playing to just chill out because it was nearly midnight.