Saturday, April 27, 2019

Personal Review of The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawkthorne was written in 1850. The genre of the book is a Romance I believe. There are four major characters within the book, Hester Prynne, Pearl, Arthur Dimmesdale and the secret Rodger Chillingworth. There are three major conflicts within the book, one of the first conflicts can be seen as Hester against Society, Hester is shown with a scarlet A upon her bosom upon the actions of adultery. She is seen upon as a sin filled woman. The second of conflicts is as well between her and the society, they wish to cast her out of the town seen as a woman only of sin however; Arthur Dimmesdale, the minister goes against this and allows the woman to stay. The third of the conflicts is between Rodger and Arthur,  Rodger mentally tortures Arthur into guilt and keeps harassing him. I mainly loved the style of this book and what it was about. It made me think about how different ideas and personalities twine in this way of seeing the old times. I recommend this book to those who like seeing a strong woman protagonist and those who like to see what independence can get people through.   

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


My honest thoughts on today’s talking about the question three was challenging. In a sense I understand what needs to be done but when I try to put it onto paper I find myself struggling on what to put down and what to think about next to put onto my paper.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Day 12 - The Color Purple

Day 12 - My weekend was pretty mellow through and through. I played a new game with my friends called Apex legends and we have plenty of fun throughout it. Other than that I mainly did some reading up on stuff for a game called Dungeons of Dragons and helped make a character for my friend.

Day 11 - The Color Purple

Letter 49 - I honestly felt touched when I read that Celie got one of her sister's letter finally. I dislike that Albert kept trashing the letters instead of giving them to her. I feel like that's just disrespectful to Celie even if he didn't treat her like a woman.

Day 11 - Friday was pretty alright. It cool and relaxed through out school. Nothing too much happened throughout the day apart from playing a bit of quick card games but thats about it. Once I got home I hopped onto my computer and checked a few emails and that was about it before I went to sleep

Friday, February 8, 2019

Day 10 - The Color Purple

Day 10 - Thursday so far has been my best day out of this week and it’s all because of my friends online at home. When I was home I immediately hopped onto a game that recent came out called Apex Legends. It’s a battle royal game made by the same people who made Titanfall 1 & 2. It took a few games but with my friends on my team we won a game. It was super tense too when it came to the last team. I had one of the most powerfulest shotguns called the Mastiff and I decimated them with it.

Day 9 - The Color Purple

Day 9 - My Wednesday was quite fun actually. For a change I had a bit of fun. I was participating in a rifle competition for JROTC. When we got to the range I met up with a few people that I met before in previous trips. Caught up with them and then had a few laughs before we had to return to school. Once getting back to school I chilled a bit with friends and then headed home.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Day 8 - The Color Purple

Letter 37 - I felt like something was lost between all of the characters when they go see Sophia in jail. I was honestly shocked to see how she was acting within the jail. When she spoke that she was acting like Celie even Celie herself was shocked about it because it was a full change of character.

Day 8 - My day was pretty boring, it didn’t really help that I was exhausted due to staying up late and not falling asleep till early in the morning. After getting home I stayed up further because I thought I had a Wargammer game today and I didn’t want to miss it like I did last week.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Day 7 - The Color Purple

Letter 25 - Within this letter, I saw a better understanding of how Celie feels and how she is acting with a new powerful sight in her view of the women around her. I felt like I can foreshadow how Celie will turn out to be a stronger woman the older she gets and will do everything to help protect other woman so they don't have to suffer what she has gone through.

Day 7 - Today was pretty relaxed for me again. It wasn't too cold in the morning so I didn't really need my jacket all day. It was nice rather than freezing everyday. I didn't do a lot within school apart from a few work in classes. Although I did learn how to reel a film and get a basic idea on how to process it.

Day 6 - The Color Purple

Letter 25 -  I feel hope for Celie from seeing this letter and it’s previous one so far. I see as Celie is beginning to realize what has gone horribly in her life and that she doesn’t have to let it rule over her. Instead she begins to figure out that she doesn’t want to be like that anymore, acting on command or being put under someone’s foot like a dog.

Day - 6 Friday was pretty relaxed for me. I woke up badly with only a few hours of sleep that day. I managed to get myself out of bed to head to school. Nothing really much happened at school for me anyways. I mostly just watched anime, I finished Devil’s Line and started Mahou Sensou and later finished that anime at home. Once I got home I practically sat and watched anime all day.

This is a poem for The Color Purple from the perspective of Tobias, Albert’s brother.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Day 5 - The Color Purple

Letter 14 - When I read that Shuh Avery was coming back to town I felt that the novel would begin to take a turn for how Celie felt throughout the beginning. If anything I thought about hope when I read this letter. I felt a bit happy for Celie learning that information.

Lust blinds thought
Will conquers anger

Day 6 - My day was pretty mallow throughout the afternoon. While in the morning at school I was practicing Armed Drill for JROTC. Through out the rest of the school day nothing much happened. Once I airrived home though that changes. I got onto my computer and called my friend to play some Neverwinter Nights. We made some new characters. He made a spellsword and I made a Fighter. We played till level four. After that we stopped playing to just chill out because it was nearly midnight.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Day 4 - The Color Purple

Letter 12 - The situation where Celie was described as an object made me feel saddened at the reality that even getting away from Fonso, she is still treated like crap and nothing better. Mr.____’s sisters were talking with her and offered to get her clothes. I felt a bit happy when she was offered something for clothes because it was something she hadn’t received in a long time.

Day 4 -
Monday was like all over mondays. Boring, tiring, and exghsuting. Nothing really cool happened while I was in school but I did talk with a few of my friends and had some hot wings for lunch. After that, the day was pretty chill. Once I got home from school I got onto my pc for a moment to check my email and then I went to sleep and had a really good nap with my cats.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Day 3 - The Color Purple

Day 3 - My weekend is as exciting as others might be. A fun weekend to me is sitting on my computer at home and playing games online with my friends. I played a couple games of League of Legends for my ranked rating and had some victories. I played a DND early iteration games called Neverwintee Nights. I love playing my fighter character that has longswords and joined a party to clear some crypts and destroy a necromancer.

Day 2 - The Color Purple

Letter 8 - I felt as is Mr. was completely swayed by what Fonso had told him in an absurd of lies. Angering me a bit when Fonso said everything was bad about Celie and treated a an object instead of an actual being of person.

Day 2 -

Friday was a bit slow and monotone for me today. Nothing really excited happened but nothing bad happened either. School was just tiring to my mind as always but I’m happy for the weekend. I was just thinking of why I could do on my games with my friends and people on the internet.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Day 1 - The Color Purple

Letter 1 - This letter upon reading made feel disgusted with Fonso and his actions upon Celie.

Letter 2 - Seeing that Celie was getting pregnant by Fonso made me start to feel worse about Celie and anger towards Fonso

Letter 3 - I felt a bit of resolve seeing the Celie wanted to protect her sister from the danger she lived through.

Letter 4 - I have mixed thoughts about Mr. When it was mentioned that Nettie was going with him.

Letter 5 - I feel that Celie is honestly trying her best in keeping her sister safe from Fonso because she knew she wouldn’t live happily as a girl.

Letter 6 - The way Mr.  Is denied it makes me feel like Fonso has been planning on raping Nettie for a while because he won’t give her to Mr.

Letter 7 - The way Mr is misleaded makes me feel agerned by how easily it shows how Fonso treats them like they’re objects.

Day 1 - My day wasn’t as interesting as others but I’ve had a bit of fun once I got home from school. Usually at school I just talk to my friends and that’s about it. Once I got home though I hopped on my PC and called my friend online that lives in Kentucky. We got onto a game played league of legends and played some ranked games and won them.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Reflection for Ivy

The creation of Ivy was just simply put through due to the witch’s ambition for the male who was killed. Simply put, one thing lead to another, planting the seeds of vengeance’s and growing hatred because of a starting action.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Creator to Creation

Ivy, Ivy, I am the one who created you
A witch
I bet you did not have a clue
Let me words be a message
Spread evil on the people
Who have called you a lowdown bitch
Develop a signal
Crashing down like a missile
Trap 'em like tangled chain
And send them to the hospital
Get into their head and redirect them to home like a homerun
Didn't see Ivy hit the bat?
That's because she is already slitherin
I have said what I said
A start and a end
A message to be read and leave the others dead

Poem about Ivy

Hey, I am Ivy
The skin on me come off as pretty and shiny
Can't come near me or I will hiss hiss
Send all my enemies into the amiss
Not a miss, definitely a hit
How are you doing?
I'm like the Rock
Do you see what Ivy is brewin?
Yes, that was the third person
Because when I'm done
You'll become the third victim
Yall don't even knkw the bars I'm sayin
It's like I have the wisdom
And you all have just ot bitten
Okay, okay, I am a snake
Don't cut my head off like Adam
Putting me on a plate
Surround me around friends
So, I know when they're being fake
Listen, I'll show them their due date
I have scales
Of course I am not a male
But this is what you all get

Asking for a tale

Create Your Creature - Ivy

In the times of old, there were people capable of using an interesting property that most would call magic. These beings that were able to use this ‘magic’ are called witches, who were thought to be abnormal to other humans. These witches were rare to find amongst humans due to the hunt for their heads for using magic. There stood a witch, who normally stayed among humans with ease due to her ability to trick those into thinking she was normal. She lived peacefully along with a male who had figured her out, but instead of giving her out to the people, he protected her and showed kindness towards her. Such an emotion towards witches was rare to even themselves. These peaceful days continued only for short when a townsman had suspected this male, the guard following the word of the town with no stop, they took him in and placed him among execution under the heresy of protecting a witch. The witch whom had lively peacefully among this village soon only felt one thing due to this action caused by the town, hatred. Running away from the village she spent a half day mourning about her loss, until she had settled herself, exacting a plan in mind to get back at the town. Her revenge. Throughout the next days to follow, the witch spent time conjuring and enchanting items to create a creature that would carry this out. As for a final of items, she collected snake’s blood and scales to add to this creature. A creature of absolute beauty, something that would allure anywho dare looked at her. A woman by day, a hybrid of snake and woman at night. She was given the name of Ivy. This seemingly beautiful woman, was nothing more than a creation of revenge.